Network Infrastructure

Guarantee the reliability and security of your company's network infrastructure.

Leave in our hands the operation of your telecommunications and network services such as IP voice, computer networks, wifi access networks, access control systems, control and surveillance cameras, climate control, dataphones, fire, access control, printers, etc.

Infraestructura de redes

We offer you a wide range of solutions

We provide all the components you need to run a reliable, flexible and high-performance network, always striving to better meet your business needs.

Networking (LAN and WireslessLAN)

Adequately distribute the internet service provided by the public provider to each of your collaborators with the network infrastructure, either wired or wireless.

We have solutions in the following:

Networking (LAN y WireslessLAN)
Cableado estructurado

Structured cabling

Nowadays, for companies, the physical network infrastructure is of vital importance for telecommunications, for this we work with three types of networks:

Access Control

These are systems that allow us to control and restrict access to reserved areas.

Control de acceso


It has the necessary infrastructure space to process, organize, secure and house all telecommunications and storage computer systems:

Active network equipment

We have at your disposal all the design, implementation, support and certified personnel to successfully carry out the package of fully integrated tools.
A corporate network allows:

Equipos de red
Seguridad informatica

Computer Security

Optimally protects your business information from malicious programs or intruders who want to make improper use of it, reducing the vulnerability of your data processing and storage systems.

Let's talk and take your business to the next level.

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