Unifica tus comunicaciones

Unified communications

Take your communications to the next level and prepare for the future.

Easily integrate voice, email, audio, video conferencing and instant messaging services.

Allows you to work from anywhere, providing a simple and flexible experience for your employees.


Reliable, clear and secure calls, easily accessed from your preferred device.

Video conferencias


Get a more effective and practical communication, which will allow you to conduct meetings with more clarity and realism.


Instant messaging system between your collaborators and clients, which allows a practical communication.


Smartphones, cameras, headsets and other multimedia devices are available to enhance collaboration and productivity.

unica interfaz

Single interface

Unify customer service with a single tool using all digital media.

24/7 support

You can reach the support team at any time.

Unified communication solution


Unified communications allow you to connect from 2 to 10,000 users from anywhere in a centralized, agile and reliable way.


Unified communications allow you to create extensions of the corporate network to access remote users from mobile devices, optimizing time and saving operational costs.


IP platforms with the possibility of traditional, analog and digital connection, with the integration of unified communications with solutions such as: Ruckus, Cisco Meraki, Extreme, among others.

Solucion de comunicacion unificada

Benefits of unified communications

What your business can save with a unified communications solution


Your company's corporate chat allows you to administer or manage instant messaging in an easier, more agile and secure way.

Features:   Take collaboration and productivity to another level in cooperation with great brands such as Avaya, Cisco, Ruckus, Extreme, Lifesize, among others.

Chat todos en uno

Let's talk and take your business to the next level.

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¡Celebramos 40 años contigo!

En Bercont Ltda estamos orgullosos de cumplir 40 años brindando soluciones tecnológicas de calidad.

¡Gracias por ser parte de nuestra historia!

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Solicita un demo gratuito y descubre nuestras soluciones en comunicaciones unificadas, contact center, y más.

¡Optimiza tus procesos y mejora la experiencia de tus clientes!


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