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speech analytics en el contact center
Contact Center

La importancia de speech analytics en el contact center

Descubre cómo el speech analytics revoluciona los contact centers, mejorando la eficiencia operativa y la satisfacción del cliente mediante el análisis de conversaciones. Aprende sus beneficios, implementación y obtén insights accionables para tu negocio.

Beneficios de Implementar un Asistente Virtual
Contact Center

Beneficios de Implementar un Asistente Virtual con IA

Los asistentes virtuales con inteligencia artificial ofrecen una solución eficiente para mejorar la interacción empresa-cliente. Desde una mejor experiencia del cliente hasta una reducción de costos operativos, explora cómo estas herramientas están optimizando la atención al cliente y la eficiencia empresarial.

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Cómo las Pantallas Interactivas Están Cambiando las Reglas del Juego

las pantallas interactivas están cambiando las reglas del juego en la forma en que interactuamos con la información, el aprendizaje y la colaboración empresarial. Ya sea en entornos educativos, en el ámbito empresarial o en campañas publicitarias, esta tecnología está transformando la pasividad en participación activa

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Wireless presentation technology and systems

Today, technology has made some very important advances in the audio and video domain, simplifying the management of corporate conferencing equipment and platforms to a very high level.

Contact Center

The importance of customer service in your company

The expression "You're on the line" is very telling, since this may be the only opportunity your company will have to show the customer that he is very important to your company; his reason for being.

Contact Center

6 benefits of implementing a Contact Center in the cloud

One of the most important challenges for any company and for the IT department is to provide its customers with a fast and adequate attention regarding PQR's requests, thus creating the best experience for them.


Avaya OneCloud CCaaS Simply gives you everything

It caters to the customer who wants it all: that customer who wants to be left alone, but still be connected to you. Who wants to be treated fairly, but treated exclusively. Avaya OneCloud CCaaS everything and more.

Contact Center

How Avaya can reimagine contact center experiences.

With your Avaya cloud-based contact center, you can make experiences always simple, seamless and context-driven, memorable at every touchpoint for customers and the employees who participate in them.

Contact Center

Contact center improves the user experience in customer service

It is essential to know the importance of the Contact Center in the companies, because in this lies a total improvement of the communication services provided to customers, through the different channels that exist today and that are at the forefront of technology.

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